Agency-Based Home Care

Assistance with activities of daily living delivered by trusted agency-based home care providers

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We provide an array of agency-based home care solutions focused on allowing clients to choose their own caregivers.

Via PASCO and PeopleCare, we have over 50 years of experience serving clients in Colorado and advocating for progressive disability programs around the country. Advantage Home Care has been serving senior citizens in the Midwest for over 30 years, Circle of Life specializes in serving Native American populations all across the US, Hmong Home Health Care specializes in serving the Hmong community in Minnesota, AmeriBest is a top provider of personal care services in Pennsylvania, Alliance Services provides attendant care services in Oregon, 24 Hour Home Care is a leading provider of non-medical home care to seniors and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout California, Inteli-Care provides personal care services throughout New Mexico, Pearl’s Hope provides personal care services in northeast Ohio, Dependable Home Health Care provides personal care services in Minnesota, and Devoted Guardians provides personal care services in Arizona.

TEAM Public Choices Agency Brands

Serving Colorado’s Disability Community

Missouri’s Largest Home Care Provider

Serving the Native American Community

Serving the Hmong Community

Leading Provider in Pennsylvania

Leading Provider in California

Serving Oregon’s Disability Community

Leading Provider in New Mexico

Leading Provider in Ohio

Leading Provider in Minnesota

Leading Provider in Arizona

Leading Provider in Colorado

Mission-oriented leadership team

Leslee Torres


Adelia Hubbs


John Bosen

President – Advantage

Mike Mueller

CFO – Advantage

Omar Khanataev

CEO – AmeriBest

Bob Kane

COO – AmeriBest

Michael Ferraina

Chief Growth Officer – AmeriBest

Michael Griffard

CFO – AmeriBest

Isaac Robertson

Sr. Director of Partnerships – Circle of Life Home Care

Lauren Urke

CEO – Hmong Home Health Care

JB Stockslager

CEO – Alliance Services

David Allerby

CEO – 24 Hour Home Care

Ryan Iwamoto

President – 24 Hour Home Care

Jacque Davis

COO – 24 Hour Home Care

Stephanie Medina

Chief People Officer – 24 Hour Home Care

Lorenzo Moran

CFO – 24 Hour Home Care

Steve Barber

President, Disability Services – 24 Hour Home Care

Simon Close

President, Community Supports – 24 Hour Home Care

Mo Vigil

CEO – Inteli-Care

Monique Thornquist

COO – Inteli-Care

Adam Motley

CEO – Pearl's Hope

Somer Engle

CEO – Serenity Home Health Care

Marcus Bradley

CEO – Dependable Home Health Care

Amitej Kalra

President – Dependable Home Health Care

Aaron Sinykin

Founder & CEO – Devoted Guardians

Justin Tyler

COO – Devoted Guardians

Sarah Engels

CEO – PeopleCare Health Services

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