
This dedicated group of professionals is proud to support the mission of TEAM Public Choices.

Meet Our Team

TEAM Public Choices

Josh Greenberg

CEO – TEAM Services Group

Cullen Knights

CEO – TEAM Public Choices

Rachel Green

Co-President - TEAM Services Group

Anchi Chern

CFO – TEAM Services Group

Max Needle

VP of Operations

Ford Allison

Head of Advocacy and Policy

Adam Steinbrunner

Head of Analytics

Bryan Keightley

VP of Corporate Development

J Auer

CEO – Acumen/DCI

Chris Bates

COO – Acumen

Matt Dee

CIO – Acumen

Austin Hancock

CFO – Acumen

J Auer

CEO – Acumen/DCI

Jake Schmidt


Patrick Nordqvist


Leslee Torres


Adelia Hubbs


John Bosen

President – Advantage

Mike Mueller

CFO – Advantage

Omar Khanataev

CEO – AmeriBest

Bob Kane

COO – AmeriBest

Michael Ferraina

Chief Growth Officer – AmeriBest

Michael Griffard

CFO – AmeriBest

Isaac Robertson

Sr. Director of Partnerships – Circle of Life Home Care

Lauren Urke

CEO – Hmong Home Health Care

JB Stockslager

CEO – Alliance Services

David Allerby

CEO – 24 Hour Home Care

Ryan Iwamoto

President – 24 Hour Home Care

Jacque Davis

COO – 24 Hour Home Care

Stephanie Medina

Chief People Officer – 24 Hour Home Care

Lorenzo Moran

CFO – 24 Hour Home Care

Steve Barber

President, Disability Services – 24 Hour Home Care

Simon Close

President, Community Supports – 24 Hour Home Care

Mo Vigil

CEO – Inteli-Care

Monique Thornquist

COO – Inteli-Care

Adam Motley

CEO – Pearl's Hope

Somer Engle

CEO – Serenity Home Health Care

Marcus Bradley

CEO – Dependable Home Health Care

Amitej Kalra

President – Dependable Home Health Care

Aaron Sinykin

Founder & CEO – Devoted Guardians

Justin Tyler

COO – Devoted Guardians

Sarah Engels

CEO – PeopleCare Health Services

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